Himalayas The world's Highest Mountain's Belongs to northen India 

Himalayas The world's Highest Mountain's Belongs to northen india

Himalayas The world's Highest Mountain's Belongs to northen india

Himalayas The world's Highest Mountain's Belongs to northen india

Himalayas The world's Highest Mountain's Belongs to northen india

Forty million years ago, a collision between two plates of the earth’s crust resulted in the creation of the earth’s highest mountain Himalayas. The magnificent range of the Himalayas harbors breathtakingly beautiful scenery and a dramatic environment. The high Himalayas constituting a spectacular mountain scope are being able to attract the heart of any newcomer who is in search of challenge and grandeur

Many major mountains are located entirely within India, such as Nanda Devi (7,817 meters) in the state of Uttaranchal. The snow line averages 4,500 to 6,000 meters on the southern side of the Greater Himalayas and 5,500 to 6,000 on the northern side. Because of climatic conditions, the snow line in the eastern Himalayas averages 4,300 meters, while in the western Himalayas it averages 5,800 meters. 

The Lesser Himalayas, located in northwestern India in the states of Himachal Pradesh and Uttaranchal